Each year in the spring sophomores and juniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 and higher are invited by email to consider applying to become an NHS member. Applying to NHS often includes getting recommendations from teachers or other adults, completing a candidate information form documenting one’s service, activities, honors and awards, and a service project proposal, which would be followed by the student if s/he is chosen to become an NHS member. All application materials must be submitted by the designated deadline or selection is not possible.
A faculty committee of five anonymous MGSH teachers reads and evaluates all application components. The committee votes to select or not select, with a majority required to select. If they do not select an applicant, they will provide a reason for their decision. The reason will be freely shared with the applicant upon request. The NHS advisers are not involved in the selection of NHS members. Selected students are notified by May 1st and are inducted into NHS as part of the Academic Awards Night in May.